Autentifique e transmita cupons fiscais eletrônicos via internet com facilidade utilizando a GerSAT. Assim, as suas operações comerciais do varejo são enviadas diretamente ao sistema da Secretaria da Fazenda (SEFAZ).
Essa solução substitui os equipamentos ECF (Emissor de Cupom Fiscal), atendendo à legislação SAT CF-e.
– Solução para o estado de São Paulo;
– Disponível no modelo Wi-Fi e Ethernet.
00409340 | 00409553
32 bits - 400 MHz
RAM 1 GB | 2GB storage
1 - Ethernet (00409340)
1 - Ethernet (00409553)
1 - Wi-Fi (00409553)
1 - USB-B (00409340)
1 - USB-B (00409553)
On/Off and Reset
Indicator LEDs. Comes with external power supply, USB cable and network cable.
Anatel and approved by SEFAZ SP
130 x 89 x 34 mm ( LxHxW)
36 months
When the SAT’s red padlock led is flashing, it means there is a problem with the device’s memory. In this case, it needs to be sent to Gertec Technical Assistance for maintenance, and it is not possible to perform any procedure on site. Click on the link: Policy - Shipping Instructions for Product Repair, for instructions.
Error 540 is a return from SEFAZ whose specification says the following: Check if the data informed in “CNPJvalue” is equal to the signed field in “signAC”.
The same error can also indicate that the Software House certificate is expired or there is a problem at SEFAZ. In this case, try to generate a new AC signature with Software House, checking the data. If the error log is still 540, it will be necessary to check directly with Software House and SEFAZ.
Downloadable GPOS700 drivers, manuals, software and other development tools.